contact us

if you have any questions please feel free to send us a message and we'll get back to you as quickly as we can.

22 Fallon Road
Landsdale, WA, 6065

+61 450 497 352

WA Engraving is a Perth based business that specialises in laser engraving for both personal and business items. We take pride in our work and our high level of customer service.

Our Story

The story of WA Engraving

Before starting WA Engraving I was working a 9-5 corporate job, and by chance saw a laser called the Speedy 100 made by a company I’d never heard of called Trotec. It was like magic watching the way the machine was able to reproduce the image on the screen using nothing but a beam of light.

The speed and accuracy of the laser blew my mind and I was hooked immediately!

I spent the next year thinking about how I could start my own laser engraving business just so I could use this machine. After lots of planning and talking to people I thought might be able to send me some work if I did start an engraving business, I started WA Engraving.

For the first 4 years I was still working my full time corporate job and just doing the laser engraving in the evenings and weekends. Then it got so busy that almost every night and every weekend was spent doing engraving jobs, and I was spending my lunch breaks dropping off and collecting orders from businesses around Perth.

I was able to drop down to 4 days at my day job, then 3 days, then at Christmas time in 2017 I handed in my resignation and started WA Engraving full time.

Since then it’s been getting busier and busier. Every job has it’s challenges, but that‘s part of what makes being a laser engraver so exciting!

I really love laser engraving. I’ve met thousands of amazing people while doing this, had tons of challenges and successes, and I love coming to work each day!

Thanks to everyone for the support over the years. May there be many more to come!

Jeffrey Tennant (owner/operator)